This meditation has been produced to help you align and bring into balance, your second energy centre also known as your Sacral Chakra.
Solfeggio Frequency 417 brings this centre into balance. Solfeggio frequency is sound and can be emitted through music.
Your Sacral Chakra is the second energy centre which is located 3 inches below your navel, right in the centre of your lower belly.
In your back, it is located in the lumbar spine.
This Chakra is responsible for your feelings and your sexuality. When it is in balance, your feelings will flow freely. You can express yourself without losing emotional control. You are also open to intimacy adding to your sense of passion.
If you tend to be stiff and unemotional, almost statue-like in your approach to life, your Sacral Chakra may be out of balance. You may not be open to connecting with people.
Further, it has executive control of your reproductive systems. By aligning and balancing this centre you will experience an improvement in sexuality and relationships. You will feel a sense of improved emotional control.
This chakra, is also known as the "the sex chakra," "the social chakra," and "the creation chakra."
This energy centre is also connected with your bladder, bowel and lower intestine.
Enjoy the ride into your mind.
Ray Behan. 'The Man Who Changed His Brain'